Northshore Middle School 8th Grade Party

Want to help support planning for the 2024-2025 8th Grade end of year celebration? Email

Let’s celebrate our 8th graders as they wrap up middle school with a fabulous end-of-year celebration to send them off to high school in style!

The event will cost approximately $50 per student, but to keep costs low so ALL students can attend we need to fundraise. More details about the party will be coming soon!  

Students will be able to purchase tickets in the coming months and our goal is that tickets are affordable to ALL. Please consider a donation to this fun event to help make that happen!

Any generous donations will support funding for the party and for student scholarships so that every student can attend.

Don’t forget to submit for company matching if you are able to. Every dollar helps to make this an unforgettable event! Please share with family & friends!

Go here to donate: